You must have StuffIt Engine™ version 3.5 or later installed in your Extensions folder to create or expand archives. ShrinkWrap™ is an AppleEvents aware drag and drop application. System 7 is required. PC Exchange is required to format new disk images with this file system. Disk image files must be on local Macintosh disks or AppleShare servers to be mounted. MFS volumes are not fully supported by System 7. Consequently, some operations may not be fully functional with volumes sizes of 400K or less. Your Macintosh is too old to perform this function. The floppy driver will not support the necessary calls. ShrinkWrap™ is out of memory. Try unmounting image files or quitting unused applications. ShrinkWrap™ will not run with this kind of processor accelerator since certain required support is not provided. To use ShrinkWrap™, first restart with the accelerator disabled. The image file “^0” appears to be either locked or busy. The image file “^0” appears to be corrupted. A media problem has been found on this floppy disk. The disk may be copy-protected or damaged. You can't copy the image onto that destination disk. It's the wrong size. The destination disk is write protected. Either unlock the disk or select another destination. The destination disk is full. “^0” does not appear to be an Apple disk image. ShrinkWrap™ could not find the file “^0”. The volume “^0” does not appear to be a known drive type. ShrinkWrap™ can only create disk images for HFS partitions or floppy drive formats supported by Apple's SuperDrive™. ShrinkWrap™ was unable to find a necessary resource to complete this operation. An unknown error occurred.